Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Figure in Pastels and Oils Workshop, Glastonbury, CT, October 23-27, 2022

 I know this is an insane schedule. I didn't mean for it to happen. 

When Covid hit in March 2020, all of my classes for the year were cancelled. Every. Single. One. And then it happened again in 2021. Every single class was cancelled. So when I started receiving calls to hold classes in 2022, I thought, heck, they'll be cancelled too. At best, only half will be cancelled. So I said yes to all of them.

2022: none of them cancelled, all of them are filling, and I'm rushing in and out of town all year. It is a little crazy.

All this is to say...I'll be teaching in Glastonbury, CT, October 23-27, in what looks like a gorgeous place, The Connecticut River Valley Inn. Visit the Inn's site to see how pretty it all is. 

And here's the info on the class. I'd love to have you join us: