"Rockefeller Center Afternoon" is a 9x12 pastel on pastelbord.
I am nearly recovered from December. I know, it's mid January. On the very first day of December I went into silent desperation mode. Then for the first two weeks of December I went into a state of paralysis, then decided to dive in, find a tree, decorate the tree, arrange a Christmas dinner, cook a Christmas dinner, avoid family fiascos, organize an art show for my church, take down the Christmas tree, lay out a newsletter for the Southeastern Pastel Society, teach a 3 day class in Virginia in mid January, then I agreed to have a one-person show in Atlanta at the end of January, so that meant hiding out in the studio and working in a frenzy once Christmas was over (never did avoid the family fiasco at the family get-together). There were a million things to do and I could only deal with them one task at a time or I'd be overwhelmed (thank goodness for Welbutrin). I think maybe I'm overdoing it. Never again.
But I'm back blogging. And for the next few days you'll see a few of the pieces I've been working on for this January show. These are not my little 5x7--just haven't had the time to do any. But I thought you might like to see some pretty pictures anyway.