This was a demo I painted during a workshop this summer.
Recently, I took a 4 and a half hour drive to Savannah to my friend Diane's home; from there we drove to Jacksonville, Florida, to watch CW Mundy do a painting demonstration (you must see his work: www.cwmundy.com/collections). We were totally inspired by Mundy. And she and I have committed to paint something, using his technique, before December 6, and send each other a jpeg of our paintings. If it's successful, I'll post it here too.
But back to the trip. On my way to Savannah, always on the alert for a picture, I carried my camera. The cotton fields in south Georgia are ready to harvest. I did not grow up around cotton fields, so I always find them startling...cotton, growing on a plant. It just seems strange to me. I figured there are probably many people who have never seen a cotton field or cotton plant close up either. So I put on my emergency flashers, and pulled over to the side of the road on I-16, in the middle of nowhere, with semi's rushing by, and waded through knee-high weeds to get close to a field.