MORE PET PARADE is a 5x7 pastel on PastelBord. Bidding begins at $100.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
And Congratulations, Kay Verney, for this response (I considered giving away several, but that would be really stupid. I'll just keep doing these little contests. I absolutely love hearing from you all):
Hello Margaret:
I too am a fan of HGTV. My husband looks askance at me whenever I go upstairs to the TV room to indulge --- it's considered a rather mindless indulgence in my household (and watching human hulks hurl themselves at each other on Monday night football is expanding his mind?) So I am always surprised when he winds up beside me on the couch and comments favorably on the makeovers.
I think that right side of his brain is finding a safe moment to express itself.
I showed hubby your email and he honed right in on the male point of view:
"Look, men are pragmatists. They know their house isn't going to get an "Extreme Makeover". There's certain parameters the designers are going to have to work with. So they don't expect much. They prepare themselves for some scope of improvement, so they are not disappointed or caught too unawares. And so when these professionals go and pull out all the stops, these guys are genuinely blown away."
And as to why you like these men? Its sweet to see them yield to unadulterated charm! The men at the doll shows? Probably the gentler sort to begin with. And what better and safer place to appreciate innocence, beauty, and grace in miniature than at a doll show.
Love, love your work. Thank you for putting me on the email list!
Creatively Yours,
Kay, email me with your address.
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