LITTLE DANCER is a 20x24 alkyd on canvas.
Well, it’s on again. The Christmas frenzy. When to pull out the decorations? When to buy the tree? Do I host a dinner? What to buy the husband? I always thought Christmas would get simpler as the kids grew and left home. I never stopped to consider they’d be back with husbands and grandchildren. And then there are the step children and the step grandchildren. I think we’ll have 10 stockings on the mantle this year. Oy. It doesn’t get easier.
And it’s time again for me to start organizing our church’s annual New Year’s Eve art show. It’s a one day show, open to all artists in the area. No jurying. They just bring their work on the Sunday before New Years. Several of us at the church remain long after the service is over, and bite our nails, hoping artists show up with work. Inevitably the artists trickle in, and inevitably we wind up with a beautiful show.
The New Year’s Eve show, from 7-9:30, is an opportunity celebrate the arts and to get to know the artists in the community.
And this year we’re having a separate show just for kids in the adjacent room, with their own buffet table and award. It should be fun.
If you’re in the area, and want to join us, either as an exhibitor or an appreciator, here’s more info:
Well done and I bet it looks even better in person.