Not a good day so far...
I had to run up to the post office to deliver an entry by its deadline today for a show in Wichita. Less than a mile from my house, still on my street, approaching the highway, a dog came running from the highway toward me; I veered my car to try to avoid him. I was unsuccessful. I heard the impact, and heard him as he collided into my front left bumper. I stopped and watched helplessly as he ran to the backyard of the house nearby. I backed up, pulled into the driveway, ran to the back. He was lying on the deck, breathing rapidly. Though there were no visible injuries, I knew he was in bad shape. I banged on the door of the house. No answer. I called 911, not knowing if they would consider this an emergency. They did. They sent a Deputy Sheriff out (he was there in less than 10 minutes). As I waited for the cops, I stayed with the dog and apologized and cried and prayed he'd go quickly. He did. By the time the Deputy arrived, the dog was not in pain anymore.
The Deputy knocked on the house door, and, not surprisingly, someone answered. I figured someone was there but just didn't want to answer to a stranger at the door. It was their dog. They were not able to keep him tied up; he kept slipping out of his collars. I had seen him in the back yard through the year, tied to a tree, no matter what the weather conditions. I had felt sorry for him.
I wish there were something redeeming to say about it, but there's not. I'm just very sorry. And sad.
I'm so sorry Magaret. :(
ReplyDeleteGosh, my heart pours out to you and the dog. Sadly these things just happen. Hope you have a better day tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteVery sad and overwhelming I'm sure. It's what is was - an accident...and beyond reason. Hang in there.
ReplyDeleteSad story. Poor doggie, poor you! Nothing you could have done to prevent it, but such a thing makes one feel bad anyway.
ReplyDeleteYou've done your best, I guess you leave the rest. God bless...-Adebanji
ReplyDeleteYou've done your best, I guess you leave the rest. God bless...-Adebanji
ReplyDeleteIt's heartbreaking when these things happen. Take comfort that you were with him as he passed.
ReplyDeleteAnd now I will wipe the tears streaming down my face and tell you the book looks wonderful!
I am very sorry to read this story. I know you must feel terrible.
ReplyDeleteOh Margaret, how sad. The poor baby's whole life was sad. Now the dog will not be left out to slowly freeze to death. And as you said, he went quickly. That is a blessing at least. Upward now. Your new book looks beautiful! Good luck with it and with the Wichita show.
ReplyDeleteOh,boo-hoo Margaret! So, so sad and I'm so sorry for both of you. That had to be a devastating way to start your day! It's so hard to think that we could be responsible for the pain of a sweet helpless creature but you did your very best and I applaud you for the comfort you gave him at the end. Perhaps it's more than he would have expected from his owner. Tomorrow will be better! And really He is in a better place today! Take care.
ReplyDeleteI have not yet read the comments of others, but was so struck by your heartbreaking experience that I had to respond right away. It's clear there were reasons the poor dog kept running away, not the least of which was being tied to a tree in every weather condition. I'm not one who reads more into life's serendipity than is called for, but when it comes to things like this, well...I believe in my heart that on some unseen level you and this dog came together for a reason and you were there for him with kindness and comfort to usher him from a difficult life. Thrown into an unavoidable tragedy, you showed courage and love. Take heart.
ReplyDeleteI have not yet read the comments of others, but was so struck by your heartbreaking experience that I had to respond right away. It's clear there were reasons the poor dog kept running away, not the least of which was being tied to a tree in every weather condition. I'm not one who reads more into life's serendipity than is called for, but when it comes to things like this, well...I believe in my heart that on some unseen level you and this dog came together for a reason and you were there for him with kindness and comfort to usher him from a difficult life. Thrown into an unavoidable tragedy, you showed courage and love. Take heart.
ReplyDeleteThat was really sad Margaret. You did everything right though. I am surprised that someone would not open their door to you when their dog had just been hit.