Never got a chance to write Sunday or Monday. Sometimes I can't get online for some reason, no connection to the internet. I also am not able to get onto Facebook because of my older operating system on my used laptop (I think that's the reason). So if I seem unresponsive to anybody, that's one reason.
I'll catch you up on the past 2 days.
Katherine (27, reminds me of my two beautiful daughters very much) arrived from the U.S. Sunday. Kippy puts people to bed for a 4 hour nap if they've traveled from the states. While Katherine slept, we went to to brocant: huge yard sales held in little villages all around--meandering streats with tents and tables full of household items, old furniture, clothes. I bought a few things which would fit in my suitcase for people at home (whom I'm missing very much). Eva returned from Paris to model for us for 2 days. She translated art vocabulary words for me to use for the new French students who would arrive Monday morning: sombre, moyen, claire, dessiner comme un carte de geographie, plisser les yeux.
Monday, I actually taught in French with my few newly learned words. I was so busy trying to speak French, I forgot to teach in English most of the time. At lunch, Eva was telling us that there are over 400 kinds of cheeses in France. Someone asked why so many? Jacqueline, from Versailles, answered, "Because we eat them."
Today, Tuesday, we will have a half day in the studio, a photo shoot with Eva, a trip to a local historical village for lunch and picture taking. Later in the evening more time in the studio to work from photos from our photo shoot today.
Wednesday, Paris again. The Musee D'Orsay. I can't wait.
Warren is still here with us. Asti is back home in Germany. We miss her here. She's written a beautiful post on her blog about the workshop (thanks so much, Asti):»Pastell-Blog«%29
I'm curious.. no mosquitos in France? So jealous.