We spent most of the day driving west, stopping at McDonalds (pictured above) en route (that's French) for WIFI (weefee in France), for a 5 hour drive to Brittany. We brought provisions, as Alice calls them -- Camembert cheese and some sort of hard sausage thingy. Turns out that nice lady with the British accent in the GPS is a little confused, if not downright malicious. She had other things in mind for us, like driving down winding narrow roads, which only got narrower and narrower, getting us hopelessly lost. We finally decided to not listen to her and follow a map instead. Our 5 hour trip took 8 hours, but, we had a lovely time, despite the overpowering aroma of the Camembert all day.

We finally arrived in Dinan this evening, a medieval walled town with many buildings dating to the mid 1200's. I'd include more pictures but I forgot to bring my ipad to dinner, and one of my cohorts who took pictures for me seems to be technologically challenged. All the photos she took were in video mode. Tomorrow we return to the city and I promise pictures.
Sorry these pictures are so huge. I'm trying to work out the kinks in blogging with an ipad. It's not easy.
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