Sunday, July 8, 2018

France is in full bloom. Hydrangeas, hollyhocks, sunflowers. The weather is warm, 88º, clear skies. Perfect.

Meg and I went straight to bed when we arrived at La Bonne Etoile on Thursday afternoon. We slept for several hours then had dinner on the patio with Kippy and Jerome until dark. It finally gets dark here around 10:00 p.m.

Today is Saturday. What happened to Friday? It's kind of a blur--that's why Kippy has us arrive early, so we'll be alert when the blurry eyed students arrive. They began arriving from Charles de Gaulle as early as 9:30 this morning. They dwindled in throughout the day, and all were ushered to their bedrooms to catch up on sleep. I will have 8 students; all but one have arrived. She'll come tomorrow.

Here are the few early arrivers at lunch. They are from Houston, Lyme CT,  Boston, California (I think...I'll get more details tomorrow). Tomorrow we go into the studio.

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